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Should Dog Moms Celebrate This 2023 Mother's Day?

Should Dog Moms Celebrate This 2023 Mother's Day?

Apr 11th 2023

Yes of course they should! Motherhood comes in all sorts of forms and one doesn’t have to be related by blood to be a mother figure. Dog moms can certainly celebrate Mother's Day too! As a pet mom, and also mom of a toddler, I believe being a dog mom is a form of motherhood, as it involves caring for and nurturing another living being. Just like human mothers, dog moms have a strong bond with their "children" and invest a lot of time and effort in their care and well-being, and they deserve to be celebrated for their hard work.

While Mother's Day is traditionally a holiday to honor human mothers, there is no reason why dog moms can’t join in the celebration! Many pet parents view their dogs as their children and dogs still rely on their parents to take care of them. Like human children, we are rewarded with plenty of love and affection. Which makes parenting so worthwhile.


There are those who vehemently disagree that raising a dog is the same as raising a child, to that I say, who cares?! There are no rules about who is allowed to celebrate Mother’s Day, and raising pets can be just as difficult as raising a child. We could argue about this issue for the rest of our lives, but I believe It is better to focus on the quality of care being given by the pet parent, rather than the species that is receiving the care. 

Some women who are not able to conceive may decide to care and nurture her dog instead. While others may simply not want human children, but still view their pets as their kids. The point is, every family looks different and it is entirely appropriate to recognize the love and dedication that dog moms show to their furry friends.

So if you are a dog mom, ignore the naysayers and don't hesitate to celebrate Mother's Day and recognize the special bond you have with your canine companion. And if you know someone who is a dog mom, consider acknowledging their important role in their pet's life this 2023 Mother’s Day! (Tip: taking your fur baby to a dog friendly restaurant in your city is a great way to celebrate!)